Medical malpractice committed by a doctor may not be easy for a patient to prove if the patient suffered an avoidable injury because their medical provider didn’t offer a high level of care. “Medical malpractice” means that a medical or dental professional may have...

Year: 2021
4 construction job risks cause 90% of the industry’s deaths
Working in construction can be quite rewarding. You make something physical and long-lasting that you can point out to others. You also probably earn a competitive wage. Unfortunately, one of the reasons you can receive higher wages in construction is that you have a...
Is your apartment actually safe?
When you rent an apartment, you expect it to be safe. You expect not to be injured due to some inherent flaw or unnecessary risk. This isn’t to say that accidents and injuries won’t happen, but just that you shouldn’t feel like the apartment’s condition led to that...
The greatest risk to motorcyclists: Other drivers
Those who do not ride motorcycles often stereotype riders as thrill-seeking adrenaline junkies who take risks and cause serious accidents. When a motorcyclist crashes, they assume that the rider was at fault and should have done more to avoid the wreck. However,...
What are some medical conditions that often get misdiagnosed?
It would be ideal if there were a go-to test for all medical conditions that doctors could perform to help them hone in on a patient's diagnosis, but there isn't. Doctors must take a thorough health history from the patient, perform a physical exam and carry out...
Bicycle accident victims need legal protection
Bicyclists who are involved in accidents with motor vehicle drivers need to know they have rights. Accidents like this may be caused by several factors, such as inattention or being distracted. Both vehicle drivers and bicyclists are expected to obey the rules when...
What do you need to file a medical malpractice claim?
If you get ill or suffer an injury after receiving medical attention, you may want to hold someone responsible. Filing a medical malpractice claim can allow you to do this; however, it can only do so if your lawsuit succeeds. Understanding a little about the...
What should you do if you suffer a hit-and-run as a pedestrian?
The sidewalk should be a safe place to walk. Yet, every so often, a car leaves the street and mounts the curb, injuring or killing innocent pedestrians. Crossings are another dangerous place for pedestrians. Some drivers fail to give way or stop and can hit you as you...
How can you ensure a trucker sees you?
When driving a car, you need to take extra care in the vicinity of truckers. These kings of the road provide an essential service, yet, due to the nature of the job, and the vehicle itself, they can be dangerous to other road users. You might think that the massive...
What protection does the Scaffold Law give?
If you suffer a fall from a height while working on a New York construction site, there is one particular law you need to know. Most people call it the Scaffold Law. New York’s Scaffold Law permits you to take action against a general contractor, construction manager,...