While the holidays are a time of celebration and merriment, it is important to remember that December is also designated as Impaired Driving Prevention Month. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that each day of the year here in the...

Year: 2021
Local Law 11 can protect New York residents from disaster
New York City is home to some of the most iconic architectural designs of any city in the United States. From the soaring gables of The Dakota to the breathtaking neo-gothic details of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, our vertical architectural wonders are many and varied....
It’s time to review what’s on your child’s holiday wish list
If you have children, they’ve probably already tendered their holiday “wish lists” several times over -- and you may have already started shopping. Before any of those toys go under the tree, however, you may want to check that list against the list of the year’s...
Certificates of merit and your New York medical malpractice claim
Medical malpractice claims have (often unfairly) gotten a lot of bad press. That’s caused a number of states -- including New York -- to enact strict rules that are designed to weed out frivolous claims. One of those rules is the requirement for a “certificate of...
Why inexpensive knock-offs of toys can be a dangerous “bargain”
Everyone loves a bargain, and this time of year, there are plenty of them advertised. Black Friday seems to have started around Halloween. If your kids’ wish list for Santa is long and you’ve also got to buy toys for nieces, nephews, friends’ kids and school gift...
Can seniors file a premises liability suit over a fall?
This time of year, the risk of slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall injuries is even greater than usual here in New York City. Between icy sidewalks, tracked-in snow on floors and merchandise overflowing on some aisles of stores, there’s a lot to watch out for. If you...
Why don’t brain injuries fully heal?
Some brain injuries do fully heal, so let’s start by acknowledging that not every injury falls into this category. However, these are notorious for failing to heal as completely as other injuries, such as fractures. Many people with brain injuries have symptoms for...
Just how safe is your apartment?
When you rent an apartment, the assumption is that the landlord has created a safe space. After all, you didn’t do the upkeep and maintenance. It’s not your property. You trust that they took care of everything. But did they? This type of work can be expensive. A...
What should you do about an aggressive driver?
You’re a safe, careful driver, but you know that you share the road with some people who certainly are not. They speed, change lanes quickly, and always seem to be prioritizing their own desire to get somewhere more than the safety of those around them. One day,...
Medical malpractice may be far more common than you knew
How often would you say that medical malpractice happens? When you go to the hospital or the doctor’s office, is it really something that you’re worried about? If you’re like most people, this fear rarely crosses your mind. Even if you know that minor mistakes may...